
The rapid development of the Internet in the recent years and the huge acceptance of technology by the consumer has fundamentally changed the lives of citizens of the developed world. With the fourth generation of cellular telephony providing connectivity at speeds commensurate with those of the fixed telephony and with the smartphones holding a dominant position in the mobile communications market, the typical user has now a permanent presence online the Internet.

In the previous years, the time between major technological breakthroughs was between 10 and 15 years. This interval has recently been reduced to less than five years. Part of this frenzied growth path is played by the Internet of Things, which due to its vast size (in spectrum and nature of the various applications) it is still impossible to predict its impact on the market. It is indicative that colossal technology companies have conducted huge in a sample and long in duration market research to make a first prediction. A figure of around 20 million connected devices by 2020 was predicted in the previous years while the latest estimates speak of 26 million interconnected IoT devices before 2020 in the US alone.

At the dawn of this new era, scientists directly involved with entrepreneurship in technology must be well informed about the new developments and it is maybe the time to discover new methods for profit.

The 3-days event entitled “Entrepreneurship in Technology” is completely free for all the students of the University of Northampton. There will be talks on technology topics along with business, management, advertising etc. The students will get to work in groups and will be given the opportunity to virtually set up their own technology enterprise. The scope of this work could be the core of the students’ dissertation or a potential future engagement with the world of business.

You are all invited.

Dr Triantafyllos Kanakis